Demo petition

Best of breed petition

Single high impact video or image.

Text to inspire action.

Progress bar.

Simple form.

E-newsletter opt-in.

Bright action button.

Past signers show a sense of belonging.

After signing:

  • The contact is associated with the campaign
  • An email can be triggered to the target of the petition (or batched)
  • A thank you page encourages sharing with friends (if 100 friends share with 100 friends, we get 10,000 signatures)
  • A scheduled email 1-week later can invite the signer to check on its progress


Petition supporters

Hue hue hue.

Sign this petition to see how it works



I'm all for saving the squirrels.

this is wonderful

I'm in!

I am down!!!




This is what I wanted to say.

Really Important

Use the CiviCRM Starterkit to get a head start on your project.  Spin up CiviCRM Starterkit!